Regression Hypnosis Certificate Training

Gain theoretical and practical knowledge into age and past-life regression hypnosis. This certification gives you a powerful modality for spiritual development and helping others. With an emphasis on safety, growth, and enlightenment, you can use this course for personal expansion or to add to your professional coaching/counseling services. It will promote your healing through the mind, body, spirit connection, and help you be of service to others.
- Learn the process of age and past-life regression hypnosis
- Become familiar with the history of Edgar Cayce’s experience with hypnosis
- Learn the benefits of hypnosis and apply these benefits to your practice
- Establish expectations to gain rapport with your client by practicing an intake and interview
- Practice induction, regression, and post-regression phases for an age and past-life regression
- Demonstrate the use of a non-directive approach to questioning during the regression phase
- Use tools for emotional healing during a session
- Use regression techniques to add to your professional business
- See four live demonstrations and conduct four sessions as both the client and regressionist
- Receive 40 hours of in-class instruction and conduct 10 hours outside of class to equal 50 hours
- Work cooperatively with classmates to promote healing
“Keep in mind that life is filled with opportunities to meet self. Be thankful for the pleasant encounters in life and be prepared to work at the unpleasant ones. Know that each soul constantly meets its own self. No problem may be run away from. Meet it now!” ~Edgar Cayce
This event is approved by the NBCCH.
*Required Reading: Many Lives, Many Masters By Dr. Brian Weiss