Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Edgar Cayce on life’s purpose and challenges

According to the Edgar Cayce philosophy, each person living on the earth is here for a specific soul purpose; a purpose that no one else can fulfill. While for some people, their purpose might be directly related to a profession or vocation, for others it could simply be a particular way of living day by day. Finding and then understanding and living your soul’s purpose is actually a life-long process. As your knowledge grows and deepens, you will find greater and greater opportunities for fulfilling your life’s mission.

To discover clues to your own life’s purpose, ask yourself these questions:

  • What makes my heart sing?
  • When in my life do I feel a sense of wonder?
  • In what ways do I feel called to be of service to others?
  • When do I feel closest to God?

The Cayce readings suggest that we are closest to living our soul’s purpose when we feel joyful, when we are in awe of the wonder of life around us, when we are being of service to others, and when we are deeply aware of our connection God.

In your contemplative or meditation time, ask your higher self, “What is my soul’s purpose? Why am I here in the earth at this time?” Then become aware of the answers that will come to you through that “still, small voice” from within, or through synchronous events, or even through your dreams. Your soul is communicating with you all the time, and its greatest desire is for you to fulfill your purpose for this life experience.

With your membership in Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., you will regularly receive information related to discovering your soul’s purpose through Venture Inward magazine and our Cayce Quarterly newsletter. You’ll be able to further study this philosophy through access to the Edgar Cayce readings on-line and receive a 20% discount on related A.R.E. Press books at our online catalog ARECatalog.com. If you are seeking to understand your purpose for this lifetime, let A.R.E. Membership be the next step of your quest.

Upcoming Life’s Purpose and Challenges events

The Heart of Health and Healing

The Heart of Health and Healing

Imagine that the Edgar Cayce Hospital for Research and Enlightenment is back in operation - just as it was nearly 100 years ago. Once again, ...

October 23, 2024

October 27, 2024


Edgar Cayce on the Evolution of the Soul

Edgar Cayce on the Evolution of the Soul

An A.R.E. Headquarters Affiliate Event: This weekend retreat is centered on material that Hugh Lynn Cayce said was some of the most ...

November 1, 2024

November 3, 2024

7:00 PM

12:00 PM


Webinar: Gratitude and Joy

Webinar: Gratitude and Joy

Welcome in the holiday spirit with three practices to cultivate gratitude in your daily life. Corinne Cayce will share insights from the Edgar ...

November 27, 2024

8:00 PM

9:15 PM

Keys to Inner Transformation and Healing

Keys to Inner Transformation and Healing

 A Tarsia Center Program: “The Keys to Inner Transformation and Healing” is a home-based learning community program that calls upon the ...

January 12, 2025

April 13, 2025


On demand Life’s Purpose and Challenges events

On Demand Webinar: Where Is Hope?

On Demand Webinar: Where Is Hope?

In these times of seemingly non-stop change, chaos, and loss it is easy to become disillusioned or feel lost. Is it possible to reorient your ...