Join Us in Prayer
Thank you for your interest in joining our community of prayer. When you join us in prayer, your desire to be of service increases the overall energy of shared loved and healing within the group.
The Glad Helpers Prayer Healing Group, whose members pray daily for all of the names on our International Prayer List, has been meeting since 1931. This group continues to follow the guidelines given by Edgar Cayce. The Glad Helpers’ purpose is “…to pray for the healing of those who are seeking through this group,” and the Glad Helpers’ Ideal is “…to fit ourselves to be expressions of His Love.” (281-1)
Before filling out your prayer request, please take a moment to review the three types of prayer offered:
Healing Prayer
If you are asking for prayer for yourself or someone else (with their approval and participation), your name(s) will be added to our Prayer List for the upcoming month. Those who request prayer from the Glad Helpers Prayer Healing Group are asked to pray for themselves, as well as other members and/or names, on the list. Originally, two times of the day were suggested for the group to pray and meditate. As the Prayer List expanded, this eventually developed into four time periods – Morning, Noon, Sunset, and Evening. The time period you choose reflects your commitment to daily prayer and meditation with the Prayer Group.
Surround Prayer
If the person has not asked for prayer, but there is concern on your part, the name will be given directly to the local Prayer Group who meet each Wednesday. The names for surround prayer do not appear on the monthly Prayer List.
Prayer for the Deceased
The group also prays for those who have passed on. These names are often submitted by a relative or friend but may be requested by anyone. Each month’s prayer list offers a specific affirmation given by Edgar Cayce to the Prayer Group to help souls find light on the path.
Due to the growing number of monthly prayer requests, multiple requests for and from the same family member will be listed as (your name) “Jane Doe and Family,” or “Jane Doe and Friends,” or “Jane Doe and Family & Friends.” We will pray for you, as the channel, as you pray for those on your personal prayer list, which is what Mr. Cayce instructed members of the original Prayer Group to do. Thank you for your understanding and assistance.