Grief, Grace, and Healing

Whether it’s the loss of a relationship, a job, a way of being with your body, or a loved one who passed on, three forces—grief, grace, and healing—are available to support you.
Grief is a concept you familiar to us all. It’s a most unwelcome and many times unexpected guest, casting a shadow across the threshold to your heart. Yet grief is a visitor you must acknowledge, entertain, and allow in. Grief can be an incredibly lonely journey, yet grief is an experience you don’t have to go through alone.
Grace is a benevolent spiritual force—part of you yet larger and more powerful than you. Grace cannot necessarily prevent something terrible from happening, but it will always be there to meet you and lovingly support you afterward. Grace does not have to be earned or even asked for, but instead is a mystical energy that shows up on its own to soften blows, cushion sharp edges, and create miracles. Grace magically helps you find a way forward when all other ways appear blocked. Grace is available to you anytime, anywhere.
Healing happens in its own time—continuously over the course of a lifetime—and can never be rushed. Healing changes us forever and is a wonderous transformation of our former selves. While we become someone new, the loss and our old lives are still a part of us—a sacred part. Healing is holistic, bringing medicine to every corner of our lives, blowing off cobwebs in every corner of our psyches. Healing calls forth more of you, inviting all your emotions, pain, and broken parts to be bathed in unconditional love. Above all, healing is a process. You may discover unique medicine on your healing path that you want to share, inspiring you to help others heal too.
Join Tanya Carroll Richardson, professional intuitive and author of the Grief, Grace, and Healing oracle deck, to gain insight on this process and be at peace.