Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Building a Path of Peace

ON DEMAND WEBINAR Welcome new inspiration and guidance from the Cayce Readings brought to you by A.R.E’s speaker training course graduates. How can I feel happier? How can I help create peace in the world? How do I handle this challenge in my life? What am I supposed...

A.R.E. Professional Life Coach Certificate Training

Are you ready to join groundbreakers supporting cultural shifts toward reintegrating spiritual nature into daily living? If so, sign up for the A.R.E’s Holistic Life Coaching program. Key program ingredients include inner exploration, a courageous learning community,...

Heal Thy Self

Three Day Healing Immersion Join Dr. JP Amonte, Mary Elizabeth, J.D., and Mark Thurston, Ph. D. for an immersive three day experience that will leave you feeling more vibrant, energized, and lighter. Their approach to health is firmly rooted in the Cayce philosophy,...

Harmony & Rejuvenation: Edgar Cayce on Body, Mind, Spirit

Create a new you with advice from our Cayce experts. Join John Van Auken, Dr. John Waitekus, Joanne DiMaggio, MA, CHt, and Dr. J.P. Amonte. These experts will help you create a strategy to achieve the results you aspire to, and teach you how to improve and enrich your...