Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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In this section, you will find resources related to our new family-focused podcast series,
Creating Calm: Parenting with Mind, Body, Spirit

Parenting today can feel like an uncharted path, full of new unexpected twists and turns. This podcast is a space to exhale, to join a loving space where we bring the wholeness of our human experience to our parenting. This podcast is two experienced moms with a background in health and wellness having authentic candid conversations about all that informs our parenting– science, spirituality, emotions, intuition, somatics. We are growing and learning together alongside our kids. Each episode will dive into specific challenges parents face today. Together, we’ll explore how to navigate the world of parenting in these challenging times. 

Featured Podcast:

Edgar Cayce on Anger​

What do we do with our anger? How do we handle others’ anger? Working with strong emotions is a key part of family life and a spiritual path. In this episode, Corinne Cayce, MA ACC, and Dr. Arlene Dijamco weave together material in the Edgar Cayce readings and the work of psychologist Dr. Harriet Lerner’s seminal work on anger. They discuss the effects of anger on the physical body, our minds and souls, and unpack Dr. Lerner’s step-by-step process for how to dance skillfully with anger as it arises.

Listen to our most recent episode of Creating Calm: Parenting with Mind, Body, Spirit. Be sure to FOLLOW our podcast on your listening platform to be alerted each time a new episode is released!​

Creating Calm is co-hosted by Corinne Cayce, M.A. and Dr. Arlene Dijamco

Corinne Cayce is an integral leadership coach, a mother of two and a lifelong student of the Edgar Cayce readings. She grew up in the Cayce family and has Master’s degree in leadership from Naropa University. For years, she’s been writing and teaching about ideas in the Cayce readings and coaching primarily women leaders in moving into their power, purpose and joy in all areas of their life. The Cayce readings are the foundation of her mothering and her coaching practice- they speak to the wholeness of how she experiences her life. She believes it’s time to bring together science and spirituality–and in her perspective there is no more powerful place to apply that than through our parenting.


Dr. Arlene Dijamco is a mother of four, an integrative physician, pediatrician, and cranial osteopath. She’s a graduate of Harvard, Emory, and Albert Einstein, as well as Dr. Andrew Weil’s integrative medicine program in Arizona. But it was after her formal education that she was introduced to the Edgar Cayce by a friend over a decade ago. The Cayce readings helped to shape the way she approaches health. It’s her mission to help bring the intuitive spirit back to health in practical and tangible ways, because it helps us feel more balanced and whole — and yes we can have that deep peace as parents, too! 


Arlene and Corinne would love to hear from you! Please write to the co-hosts here: creatingcalm@edgarcayce.org to share episode topic ideas and feedback.