Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Jerusalem Artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is a vegetable which resembles a small potato. It is available from some health food stores.

Jerusalem artichoke is a primary therapy in the Cayce approach to diabetes. The readings state that the Jerusalem artichoke can be used to decrease or eliminate the need for medicinal insulin.

Therapeutic recommendations for Jerusalem artichoke will vary from person to person depending upon the severity of the condition. For one individual with a slight tendency toward diabetes, the recommendation was to eat two Jerusalem artichokes per month. For more severe cases, one per day prescribed. For persons diagnosed with diabetes, starting out at three per week is reasonable. After monitoring blood/sugar levels, the amount of artichoke’s can be adjusted as needed.

Here are some suggestions for to using Jerusalem artichoke:

  • Before eating the artichokes, have at least two or three spinal manipulations to stimulate the nerve supply to the pancreas and liver. Ask the physician or therapist to pay particular attention to the 5th – 9th thoracic vertebrae.
  • Begin by eating three artichokes about the size of a hen’s egg each week.
  • In preparing the artichoke, alternate between eating one raw and the next one cooked in its own juices (steamed in Patapar parchment paper). Eaten raw, the artichoke can be included in a salad or such. When cooked, be sure to drink the water in which the artichoke was cooked.
  • Do not overcook or undercook. Do not peel, – only wash thoroughly with a brush, then cook it in Patapar Paper – as if cooking an Irish potato. Season with a little salt, and at times a very small quantity of butter.
  • If possible, store the artichokes in the ground. Otherwise, you may be able to keep them in the refrigerator in a jar of peat moss or potting soil. The readings state that just leaving them in the refrigerator deprives them potency.
  • Various readings advised against eating pickled artichokes or artichokes prepared with vinegar, and products made with artichoke flour.

Cayce Quotes

Here are some excerpts from readings given for people with diabetes in which the Jerusalem artichoke was recommended. Note the cooking instructions and therapeutic value as explained by Edgar Cayce:

“Begin with the use of Jerusalem artichoke when the [osteopathic] treatments have begun, instead of insulin which may be gradually diminished. Use the artichoke cooked in Patapar paper. Have in the beginning about three of these each week, about the size of an hen egg. These would be cooked well, but the juices in and from same mixed with the pulp as they are prepared. Season to suit the taste of the body. Do not use too much salt and do use, in all the vegetables cooked, the kelp or health salt and not the regular sodium chloride as purified.” (5345-1)

“Thus, we have a diabetic reaction, as it is at times called….
Then we would begin taking the Jerusalem artichoke. This would be prepared preferable with only Patapar paper, the juices of same mixed with the pulp and at least every other day one of these be taken. This will prevent the necessity of use of insulin for the body.

(Q) Will this cure the diabetes?
(A) This will so allay that if this is kept carefully, just the artichoke, there will be little trouble from the diabetic tendencies.” (5341-1)

“Instead of using so much insulin; this can be gradually diminished and eventually eliminated entirely if there is used in the diet one Jerusalem artichoke every other day. This should be cooked only in Patapar paper, preserving the juices and mixing with the bulk of the artichoke, seasoning this to suit the taste. The taking of the insulin is habit forming. The artichoke is not habit forming, not sedative-producing in the body as to cause accumulations of poisons as do sedatives; though it will be necessary to take a sedative when there are the attacks, but take a hypnotic rather than a narcotic – only under the direction, however, of a physician.” (4023-1)

“(Q) Is there a diabetic condition?
(A) With this correction in the manner indicated, we find that the diabetic condition would be clarified though we will find with these tendencies that it would be well to take the Jerusalem artichoke once each week. Prepare one about the size of a hen egg, cooked in Patapar paper. Mix the juices with it and season to taste, eating of it – once each week with the regular meal. Do this for six to eight weeks and we will clarify and clear these conditions.” (3901-1)

“(Q) Are the kidneys involved.
(A) Naturally the kidneys are involved. With a disturbance of the circulation between heart and liver, it causes a reflex condition in the kidneys. Just keep away from sugar. Do use the Jerusalem Artichoke at least once a week in the diet, but only cooked in its own juices – or mix the juices in which it is cooked with the bulk of the artichoke; that is, cook it in Patapar paper.

(Q) Do I still have diabetes? What remedy?
(A) A tendency towards same, as indicated from the amount of insulin to be given in the artichoke diet.” (3274-1)

“For, we would add in the diet the Jerusalem artichoke, which supplies insulin in its natural state in which it is CORRECTIVE forming, or in the order in which it may be properly assimilated.

Do take one Jerusalem artichoke almost every day, or at least five days out of every week. Cook this in its own juices, or in Patapar Paper. And when this is prepared, do eat the juice mixed with the bulk of the artichoke. This may be seasoned with a little salt or pepper, or butter – but not too much.” (3086-1)

(Q) Should I make the Jerusalem artichoke a part of my diet all year round?
(A) It is better that this be taken occasionally; that is, take it for five or six weeks, and then leave off for a like period. It is more effective when taken in this manner.” (2772-3)

“Beginning about the middle of September, then, begin taking twice a week a Jerusalem artichoke – at least the size of a hen egg. Prepare this in its own juices. Cook it in Patapar Paper. Mix the juices with the pulp itself. For, the salts that come from same are the effective balance in the effect upon the system. Keep these regularly, twice each week – Tuesdays and Thursdays. Do this for some three to four months, leave off a month, and then begin again; keeping them in this ratio throughout the period or season that they may be obtained. Keep these fresh, not by trying to keep them in the icebox, but keep them in the ground – but they will have to be protected; for most any animal will attempt to take them! Before beginning the artichokes, be sure to have at least two adjustments osteopathically; one of a general nature, one of a specific nature, in the areas of the 6th, 7th and 8th dorsal, where there has been a weakness. And then continue these treatments sufficiently to make the corrections needed in those areas. For, these weaknesses in the spine also account for – with the reflex activity upon the pancreas – the heaviness across the small of the back, and through the upper portion of the limbs. If these adjustments are carried out, though, we find that corrections will be made.” (2578-1)

“The activity of the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys is not always coordinant. There are those diabetic tendencies, or the excesses that arise from the activity of the pancreas; which makes for those variations in the normal reflexes to heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.
At least twice to three times a week take the Jerusalem artichoke in the diet, – once raw, twice cooked. Never use one larger than a hen egg, but when it is cooked it may be seasoned with butter – not too much of any pepper, though cayenne may be used in moderation.” (2524-2)

“DO take the Jerusalem artichoke in the diet twice each week. We would take it regularly, Tuesdays and Thursdays; one time it should be cooked, the next time raw, and so on. Eat one about the size of a guinea egg, with the meal, on those days, you see. Keep a quantity of these in the ground. Do not attempt to keep them in the ice box or otherwise, for the withering of same causes the loss of much of the beneficial properties.” (2490-1)

“A very positive reaction may be had that will relieve a great deal of this tension, if there will be eaten each day – with the meal – a Jerusalem artichoke; one day cooked, the next day raw; one not larger than about the size of a hen egg. Preferably keep these fresh, not by being put in the refrigerator but by keeping them in the ground; by necessity protecting them from animals – dogs, hogs, pigs or the like; for these will scratch ’em up – as would cats also!
There is needed that booster, or the effect of insulin as may be derived from the artichoke, for the system.

As to the matter of diet (other than the artichoke), – refrain from those foods that tend towards creating sugar; as excess of starches or sweets.

(Q) Is there any suggestion for overactivity of the bladder?
(A) We have been trying to give this the best we can. Use the artichoke, in the manner indicated.” (2472-1)

“However, we would add to same the Jerusalem artichoke. For this body, these should be taken at least three times each week, preferably cooked, or prepared in its own juices, as in Patapar Paper, so that whatever portions that may exude from the tuber during the preparation may be mixed with same in preparing. Eat it with the meal, you see, three times each week – using one each time about the size of a hen egg. Do not overcook nor undercook, but so that it is well able to be mashed thoroughly. Do not peel, – only wash thoroughly with a brush, then cook it in Patapar Paper – as if cooking an Irish potato. Season with a little salt, and at times a very small quantity of butter. Though this is at times tabu for the body, we find that it will aid in this particular instance.

Keep the diet, the general activities, in the manner as has been indicated; throughout the period keeping those activities of the insulin through the eating of the artichoke.

(Q) Has anyone been cured that was in my condition?
(A) Many, many, many!

Do these things as outlined, and we will find we will bring the better condition for this body.
Because there is less pain, less uneasiness and less dizziness WITH the use of the artichoke, don’t leave them off – for several months; at least three times each week, see?” (2393-1)

“(Q) What was the Jerusalem artichoke given for?
(A) An activity upon the pancreas. It carries – it is the greatest source of insulin that may be assimilated by the body.” (2094-2)

“At least three times each week have a Jerusalem artichoke in the diet. Cook this in Patapar Paper, preserving the juices and mixing with the artichoke as it is prepared for the meal, seasoning with butter and salt and a little pepper if so desired. This will soon reduce the tendencies towards the sugar reaction.” (2085-4)

“Not that there is as YET a great tendency towards too great a quantity of sugar, but a diabetic condition is a portion of the disturbance. However, as we find, even with this, these may be cleared; for the greater cause of the condition is rather the superacidity, with too great quantities of oils or highly seasoned food, with especially fats or greases that have caused those conditions in the gall duct area, and especially with those portions as related to the assimilating of such through the system.

As to the diet throughout the period, – this should be followed rather closely. Use rather the liquid and semi-liquids, and not heavy foods. No oils or fats to any great extent. Principally fruit juices, vegetable juices, and ANY form of the foods that are easily assimilated. As to the character of cereals, these should preferably be cooked cereals. And the vegetables should be principally of the leafy variety, rather than those under the ground – other than the Jerusalem artichoke. At least once each week be sure there is taken the Jerusalem artichoke with the diet. This may be one time cooked, the next time raw; one about the size of a hen egg or larger. When cooked, best that it be boiled – but in its OWN juices, as in Patapar Paper. Do not leave this off! Be sure that it is taken each week, for it will add sufficient of the insulin to the system to aid in correcting the circulation between the liver and the lower hepatic or kidney circulation, and aid in reduction of sugar as well as – with the other portions of the diet indicated – correcting the acidity. And we will relieve this pressure where there is the feeling of the lack of the passage of foods from the stomach to the intestines, through the lower portion of the duodenum.” (2040-1)

“Thus while the heart’s disturbance is serious, the diabetic tendency and activity is the more serious. Then we would begin with the diets: Refrain from all sugars, and most of the starches. While breads are to be taken, to be sure, use rather the whole wheat bread, corn bread or rye bread in preference to the white bread, see? No potatoes. Have more of the raw and leafy vegetables than others… At least four meals each week should include the Jerusalem artichoke in the diet. One time this should be taken cooked, the next time raw. When cooked, prepare as you would a boiled potato; not boiled too much, but sufficient that it crumbles, – and keep the juices of same in same. Hence, cook in Patapar Paper. This may be given with a little salt, no pepper, and not too much butter. Butter should not be taken in any quantity, though a little for seasoning vegetables is better than the fats or oils, see?” (2007-1)

“Twice a week we would take the Jerusalem artichoke. Begin these at the time the osteopathic adjustments are begun. One time it would be taken raw, the other time cooked, – but cooked in its OWN juices (as in Patapar Paper).

(Q) Should I take the insulin?
(A) No! Take rather the properties indicated in the diet (Jerusalem artichoke), that are NOT habit-forming and that will reduce the sugar content, and will aid in creating the better balance in the system – as has been outlined.” (1995-1)

“Where there are the acute conditions from the infection, from the breaking of veins in the limb, to make application – unless with great precautions – would be directly disturbing to the glandular forces as related to that which produces the diabetic condition; slowing the blood and thickening it so that the applications for helpful forces are such that it would need great precautions. Also we would have the stimulation that may be had through taking each day the Jerusalem artichoke as a part of the meal, – one day raw, the next day cooked. These properties are to aid in reducing this constitutional disturbance in the glandular force. They may also aid in reducing MATERIALLY, in the present, the doses of the insulin; for taking the artichoke – especially this Jerusalem variety – is using insulin but in a manner that is NOT habit-forming, and it much more preferable – if it is governed properly, with the rest of the diet.” (1878-1)

“Hence, we would add occasionally to the diet the Jerusalem artichoke; in a way and manner as to meet the needs. For if this is kept as a portion of the diet two or three times a week for periods of two or three months at a time, and then left off for a week or a month and then included again, we will find sufficient of the insulin reaction as to keep the pressure as related to the blood supply nearer normal. Also the activities of the system in keeping down sugar, as well as the reaction through the circulatory forces as related to the katabolism of the system will be much improved. Keep in those lines of suggestions that are being followed; using only this portion of the diet as a difference – the Jerusalem artichoke two or three times a week; say Monday, Wednesday and Saturday have one about the size of a duck egg or the like. This should be PREFERABLY prepared or boiled in its OWN juices (as in Patapar Paper), and eaten as you would potatoes.” (1632-2)

(Q) It is not necessary to take insulin, outside of that contained in the Jerusalem artichoke?
(A) As indicated, NOT necessary, IF there is the refraining from the eating of fats, you see, and sugars. The artichoke will supply sufficient of the insulin to cause the proper activity through the pancreas.

About once a month, have an OSTEOPATHIC adjustment; and have such an one make the test for sugar also.” (584-7)

Note: As this information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment, your use of this database of information indicates that you are aware of our recommendation that you consult with a professional healthcare provider before taking any action.

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