Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Violet Ray Appliance

The violet ray appliance is a high voltage, low amperage source of static electricity. The appliance derives its name from the violet color of the electrical discharge that emanates during use. The appliance was recommended in over 900 readings for a wide variety of problems requiring a stimulation to the nervous and circulatory systems.

The device consists of a cylindrical base which is held in the hand. A glass tube in inserted into the end which makes contact with the body. Originally, a diversity of tubes were sold for various applications on almost every portion of the body. Currently, the appliance usually comes with a simple bulb vacuum tube which can be used almost anywhere on the body.

Here are some guidelines for using the violet ray appliance:

  • Obtain a series of four to six spinal adjustments prior to using the violet ray appliance.
  • Follow all instructions included with the appliance and use common sense to avoid electrical shock. For example, do not use the appliance in close association with water (such as a sink or tub).
  • Begin with short sessions (two or three minutes) and gradually increase to four or five minutes total session time.
  • Make contact with the glass bulb before turning the appliance on. In other words, place the glass bulb on the skin and then turn it on. Otherwise you will receive an unpleasant tingling upon contact with the skin.
  • Turn the appliance off before removing it from the skin. Again this will prevent the unpleasant tingling.
  • Use the appliance as directed for your condition. See research protocols or circulating files for specific instructions for your disorder.
  • To prevent sticking on damp skin, sprinkle a small amount of corn starch or other fine powder on the skin first. This would only apply to areas of bare skin such as the neck or back.
  • Abstain from alcoholic beverages on days when you use the violet ray appliance.

Typically, the violet ray was recommended in conjunction with other therapies such as spinal adjustments. Spinal manipulation was often recommended before beginning the violet ray sessions.

Note: As this information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment, your use of this database of information indicates that you are aware of our recommendation that you consult with a professional healthcare provider before taking any action.