Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Disease Overview

Overview of Poor Circulation


“Circulation” is a term used to describe “movement through a circle, or circuit.” The term is used in reference to several bodily systems, including the lymphatics, respiratory, nervous, and blood-vascular systems. As discussed in the Cayce readings, each of these “circuits” is interconnected to the others. We will therefore, of necessity, discuss the various forms of circulation found in the human body.

Circulatory Systems of the Human Body

  1. Blood Vascular System This system is comprised of the blood, heart, and blood vessels (including the arteries, veins, and capillaries). Its primary functions are to carry nutrients and oxygen to the cells, carry waste products away from the cells, and assist in maintenance of the acid-alkaline balance of the blood. In addition, the blood vascular system participates in protecting the body from disease.
  2. Respiratory system. This system includes the lungs and all of the “tubes” that lead into and out of the lungs. (Nose, mouth, trachea, bronchi). Its function is to obtain oxygen, eliminate carbon dioxide, and assist in regulating the acid/alkaline balance of the body.
  3. Lymphatic system. This system includes the lymph vessels, lymph nodes, and lymph organs (spleen). Its function is to filter the blood and help protect the body from disease.
  4. Nervous system. This system includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sense organs (eyes, ears, taste and touch receptors, etc.). Its function is to regulate body activities via nerve impulses. Together with the endocrine system, the nervous system provides the control of all body activities, including the control of the other circulatory systems.

Cooperative Functions of Circulation

The various circulatory systems each have important functions to perform in the body. They work in concert with each other to carry out specific tasks. This cooperative effort can be partially summarized as follows. (I say “partially” because the many inter-connected functions are too numerous to discuss in a report of this nature. Further, scientists are continually discovering additional functions of these various systems that were previously unknown.) The major functions of the circulatory systems are as follows: Oxygen is a primary requirement for all cells of the human body, including the brain and heart. The brain can be deprived of oxygen only for a very short period of time before it will die. The heart, muscles, and even bones require oxygen for their normal functioning. The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body. The oxygen is transferred from the lungs to the blood-vascular system where it is carried to all other parts of the body. The nervous system participates in this oxygen exchange by monitoring oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and by controlling respiration. Nervous system control of respiration means that we do not have to consciously remind ourselves to breath 10-12 times per minute. This function is conducted by the nervous system circuitry. The acid/alkaline balance of the body is controlled by cooperative functions of the blood-vascular, respiratory, and nervous systems. Defense of the body from microbial invasion is achieved by cooperation of the blood-vascular and lymphatic systems. Elimination of cellular waste is conducted through a combination of lymphatic, blood-vascular and respiratory circulations. The list of cooperative functions of the various circulatory systems is extensive. Because of their inter-relatedness, anything that affects one aspect of circulation (one of the circulatory systems) affects the other circulatory systems as well. As Cayce put it once:

…distress in the system…created by a condition of circulation, blood circulation, lymph circulation, nerve circulation… is the show of lack of coordination… (2233-1)

Summary of Circulatory Effects

The major functions of the various circulatory systems, including their inter-related functions, can be summarized as follows:

  1. Delivery of oxygen to all cells of the body.
  2. Delivery of nutrients to all cells of the body.
  3. Removal of metabolic waste from all cells of the body.
  4. Protection of the body from foreign (outside the body) invasion.
  5. Maintenance of acid/alkaline balance of the body.

Cayce on Circulation

Abnormal circulation is mentioned as a cause or contribution to disease in 7,556 of the Cayce readings. Because of the far-reaching effects of the various circulatory systems, nearly any disease process may be related to impaired circulation. The following is a partial list of some of the physical conditions that Cayce associated with a disturbance in one or more of the circulatory systems: Joint pain, scotoma (spots before the eyes), back pain, dizziness, dark spots on the skin, fallen arches, achy feet, menstrual cramps, uterine tumors, headaches, excess perspiration, gum and other dental problems, diabetes mellitus, mental illness, fatigue, abnormal heart function, skin ailments (psoriasis, eczema, rashes, acne), deafness and hearing decrease, anemia, shortness of breath, inflamed appendix, tendency to catch colds, blood clots, paralysis, mastoiditis, uremia, toxemia, disturbed metabolism, sinusitis, gray hair, uterine polyps, aneurysm, diminished eyesight, high blood pressure, dizziness, phlebitis, dry scalp, rheumatism.

The following set of excerpts are just an example of the vast array of conditions to which Cayce linked poor circulation.

(Q) What must I do to preserve my teeth?
(A) Stimulate the circulation….

(Q) Why do I swell so badly?
(A) The attempt of the body to adjust itself through a very poor circulation… (547-1)

(Q) What may I do to ease the terrible discomfort of menstrual period?
(A) …douche of Atomidine… will make for a cleansing that will aid in the circulation (1140-2)

(Q) What about the prolapsus condition?
(A) …for when we strengthen the circulation as it should be… the prolapsus will be overcome.

(Q) Should the polyp be removed from the uterus?
(A) ….. the proper raising of the activities of the glands in their circulation… will make the circulation proper in all portions of the system. (701-1)

(Q) Is my hearing affected?
(A) ….poor circulation to the head…. (4393-1)

(Q) What is the reason for the small black spot in front of my eye…?
(A) This is from impaired circulation. (3291-2)

(Q) Why does he take cold so easily?
(A) As given, the poor circulation…(2542-3)

(Q) What causes rheumatism in my right arm?
(A) The effect of those acids in the system, producing the pressure in the circulation… (5541-1)

(Q) What is the treatment for the sinus?
(A) … that arises from the slowed circulation… (1042-1)

(Q) About five o’clock I become tired and pale and want to go to bed early…..
(A) … the slowed circulation which brings this fatigue… (1042-1)

(Q) What causes the numbness, weakness and hurting at times in the legs?
(A) The circulation

(Q) What causes the itchy, sticky feeling in and through the left breast?
(A) The poor superficial circulation, and those inclinations of the mammary glands to be choked with poor circulation…

(Q) ….hurting at times in the lower left side?
(A)… this should be aided, through stimulating the circulation…. (1079-3)

(Q) Is this Athlete’s Foot?
(A) Rather the disturbance of the circulation in same. (412-10)

(Q) What causes the accumulation of ear wax?
(A) ….lack of removal from the system of those poisons that tend to accumulate in the superficial circulation. (412-10)

(Q) Does indigestion cause the occasion attacks of vomiting and perspiration?
(A) … static conditions through the portions of the body as indicated, to the superficial circulation primarily.

(Q) Is graying of hair a scalp condition…?
(A) Rather a circulation…

(Q) What causes the gland behind the right ear to swell at times…?
(A) The poor circulation….

(Q) What causes occasional sharp pains on the right side?
(A) The circulations and the static influences from conditions… (412-10)

(Q) X-Rays shows aneurysms…..
(A) ….from this slowed circulation… (2402-1)

(Q) Please give cause and correction for congestion in the chest.
(A) … It is a disturbance of that circulation between the heart, the liver, and the kidneys. (2402-1)

(Q) Please explain the condition of the eyes and hearing, and what can be done to correct same?
(A)….. drosses are produced that are not eliminated by the superficial circulation… but with the equalized circulation… these will be aided…

(Q) What causes the lapse of memory three years ago?
(A) … overtaxing of the circulation… (1062-1)

(Q) What causes me to have to clear my throat so much?
(A) … These will disappear with the correcting of the circulation…. (291-1)

(Q) Should the sinus operation be performed?
(A) No sinus operation…. These are EFFECTS…. that hinder the circulation; making for a deep circulation and not removing drosses in the system. (685-1)

(Q) What causes the wheeze on my chest that I get occasionally?
(A) … pressure in the 4th dorsal that makes for a slowing of the circulation of the thorax, and the activities of the circulation there.

(Q) How may I best clear up my complexion?
(A) By increasing or stimulating the general circulation… (1101-4)

(Q) What causes the numbness and tingling sensation of my right arm, shoulders, and fingers?
(A) This unbalanced circulation in the central circulation, see? (2772-4)

(Q)…swelling of eyes and lips, and….itching rash…?
(A)… incoordination between the circulation of the liver and kidneys… (3291-2)

(Q) ..dizzy spells an headaches…
(A) Caused by circulation that is so slow… (3525-1)

(Q) …sharp pains in legs and stomach?
(A) These are from the poor circulation… (3580-1)

(Q) …dark spots on her skin?
(A) The poor circulation. (3543-1)

(Q) …phlebitis…?
(A) This is also from the poor circulation. (3274-1)

(Q) ..hurting nearly all the time around my waist in front?
(A) .. incoordination of the circulation between the liver and the kidneys… (2898-1)

(Q) What is the matter with her throat?
(A) This comes from a poor circulation… (2843-3)

(Q) What causes the top of head to be dry and scaly?
(A) This is because of poor circulation to the upper portion. (2752-2)

Cayce on Causes of Impaired Circulation

A change in circulation was frequently mentioned as being the primary cause of physical disturbances. There were also other conditions mentioned that could themselves cause a change in circulation. There are several recurrent themes in the Cayce readings as to the cause of a changed or impaired circulation.
Spinal imbalance was given frequently as one such cause. For example:

(Q) What is causing the swelling on the little toe on my right foot?
(A) Poor circulation from the 4th lumbar center.

(Q) What causes the wheeze on my chest that I get occasionally?
(A) As indicated….. pressure in the 4th dorsal — that makes for a slowing of the circulation through the thorax…… (1101-4)

Through subluxation or strain in the 2nd and 3rd cervical, the 2nd and 3rd dorsal.. we find there is the impairment to the circulation. (685-1)

An excess of acids in the system was also often mentioned as a cause of altered circulation. It’s mentioned in these instances:

(Q) What causes rheumatism in my right arm?
(A) The effect of acids in the system, producing pressure in the circulation…. (5541-1)

First, IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, we find there is a tendency for acidity throughout the system, and this tends to make for a slowing of the circulation…. (1236-1)

Lack of normal eliminations was sometimes a cause of changed circulation.

… nature had provided in this system, to eliminate or throw out the poisons through the circulation. (3944-1)

… there is so much that may be eliminated through the respiratory system… the circulation through the capillaries — becomes clogged with the poisons OF the system — see? (4320-2)

Cayce on Circulatory Therapies

Like all other recommendations in the Cayce readings, treatments for circulatory problems were always based upon the cause. Remedies and therapies were specific for individuals based upon this causal level.

When the circulation was impaired because of a spinal imbalance or subluxation, then osteopathic manipulations were recommended. For example:

(Q) What is the cause of occasional sharp pains in his legs and stomach?
(A) These areas from the poor circulation, which will be materially aided… through the first series of the osteopathic adjustments. (3580-1)

After at least six osteopathic adjustments are made, to aid in equalizing the circulation…. (2623-1)

On the other hand, when excess acidity due to dietary imbalance was causative, then Cayce’s recommendation was a correction of the diet. These three cases illustrate the point:

(Q) What causes occasional sharp pains on the right side?
(A) The circulation and the static influences… Diet, care taken, keeping away from acids and too much sweets. (3776-4)

(Q) How may I best clear up my complexion?
(A) By increasing or stimulating the general circulation…. by the corrections osteopathically and the diet…. (1101-4)

(Q) What causes rheumatism in my right arm?
(A) The effect of those acids in the system, producing pressure in the circulation…. cleansing the system… with the proper diet — and often the body finds that the diet will affect the system more than those even exterior things or conditions. (5541-1)

Massage was also frequently recommended by Cayce for conditions which he linked back to circulation problems. These are just a few of the many examples:

(Q) What causes the top of the head to be dry and scaly?
(A) This is because of poor circulation…. massage especially along the
spine… (2752-2)

(Q) What has caused the nasal catarrhal condition, with severe sinus headaches occasionally?
(A) This is form the poor circulation. Thus massage, as indicated, that should be for the whole body….. Take these treatments once a week for five to six weeks, then leave off a week or so, and then commence all over again. (3242-2)

(Q) Why does he still take cold so easily?
(A) As given, the poor circulation and the tendency for acidity in the system. …. and the massage that will strengthen, should aid this body. (2542-3)

Sweat baths or fume treatments were sometimes suggested in combination with massage, especially to aid in improvement of the “superficial circulation.”

We find that the Sweat Baths would be beneficial….. to cause the activity to the superficial circulation.. (412-10)

After such a fume bath, let the body be thoroughly rubbed down with a coarse towel, and then a shower or dip bath afterwards. These will make for a stimulation to all portions of the superficial circulation… (1079-3)

The Wet Cell, Violet Ray, and Radial Appliance (or Radio-active Appliance, as Cayce usually called it) were recommended at different times to improve circulation.

(Q) What is the treatment for sinus?
(A) …. Wet Cell appliance to CLEANSE the system,… the sinus conditions — that arises from the slowed circulation. (1042-1)

We would only add that the Radio-Active Appliance in its regular activity be used to aid materially in creating a balance and easing the circulation through the system. (403-2)

To aid in equalizing the circulation we would use the Radio-Active Appliance. (1411-1)

We would find that the application of the Violet Ray… will relieve the tension at times to the eye, as well as to the heart’s circulation. (403-2)

There is another important part of Cayce’s treatment plan for ailments that are related to poor circulation. This one involves the mind. Mental attitudes were said to be important in the correction of circulation, and the first two examples below give this type of advice. The third excerpt, one from a reading Cayce gave for himself, illustrates a related principle: suggestion to the subconscious mind can affect circulation.

We find that the occasional use also of the Sweat Baths would be beneficial… to the superficial circulation. These adhered to, as we find, with the correct thinking, the correct diet, will bring the much nearer to normal physical reactions for this body. (412-10)

(Q) What is the matter with her throat?
(A) This comes from a poor circulation…. Do ALL indicated here, and be persistent… keep in a better mental attitude, of not only being good but good FOR something… speak well of self and better of others. (2843-3)

(Q) Give word for word, the suggestion that should be given this body while in the subconscious state.
(A) The circulation would be so equalized as to remove strain from all centers of the nerve system.. (294-13)

Yet another discipline that Cayce often recommended to improve circulation was exercise in various forms. For instance:

(Q) What causes numbness, weakness and hurting at times in the legs?
(A) The circulation. Use the exercises and the stretching, as we have indicated. (1079-3)

If the exercises are taken consistently, the circulation will be changed properly. (412-10)

In those activities of the superficial circulation… we find that some specific exercises would be the better… (1079-3)

But if the exercises are taken, and the circulation made more coordinate, we will find these inclinations… will be eliminated… (412-10)

Finally, a few other remedies, specific to the situation, were at times suggested by Cayce for various circulation problems. These include:

Do use such as Ipsab to purify the gums, this will stimulate circulation. (3170-1)

(Q) What do I do to ease the terrible discomfort of menstrual period?
(A) …douche of Atomidine… will make for a cleansing that will aid in the circulation… (1140-2)

Hence the head and neck exercises as well as occasionally the Fume Bath….. will produce a better coordination between the circulations…. (412-10)

… for the toxemia… the use of colonic irrigations, following same with intestinal antiseptics as to produce a NORMAL circulation… (4452-1)

…exercise, as much with the air as possible… stimulation by electrical forces… plenty of water at all times…tepid baths and cold baths to the body… (4467-1)


Normal functioning of the various circulatory systems of the body is a requisite for good health. The Cayce readings recommended different treatments to individuals based on the nature of their problem. There are, however, some recurring themes that can be summarized:

  1. Osteopathic manipulation was suggested in numerous instances where a spinal imbalance was causative or contributory.
  2. An alkaline diet is repeatedly recommended, especially for those cases of impaired circulation where excess acidity was causative. Physical conditions that were often associated with excess acidity included digestive disturbances, constipation, arthritis and rheumatism, nervous conditions.
  3. Massage was suggested as a means for improving both general and local circulation.
  4. Fume baths, sweat baths, and the Violet Ray were occasionally recommended.
  5. Wet Cell and Radio-active Appliance.
  6. Mental attitude
  7. Exercise

NOTE: The above commentary was written by Dana Myatt, N.D. and is included in the Circulating File for Poor Circulation.

Note: As this information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment, your use of this database of information indicates that you are aware of our recommendation that you consult with a professional healthcare provider before taking any action.

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