Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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adding A.R.E. to your will is easy

Give to A.R.E. Through a Bequest in a Will

Members and friends often tell us they would like to make a significant gift to A.R.E. but are hesitant to part with assets they may need in the future. Thankfully, it is possible to leave a meaningful legacy to A.R.E.—your spiritual family—without neglecting personal or birth-family obligations. Hundreds of members have given to A.R.E. through a charitable bequest in their Last Will and Testament and, thankfully, hundreds more tell us they have us in their will currently.

A bequest like this is the most common way to provide for the future of A.R.E. With this type of gift, you direct in your will that certain money, property, or other assets be transferred to A.R.E.

Key types of bequests include:

Unrestricted Bequest

Your unrestricted gift by Will is especially helpful in providing for the work of A.R.E. This type of bequest is used to benefit the greatest needs of this work at the time it is received.

Restricted Bequest

A restricted bequest is a gift that must be used for a specific purpose(s) within the A.R.E. This is a great way to support the future of a program that is particularly meaningful to you (A.R.E. Camp, study groups, library, prison services, Atlantic University, etc.) or a specific endowment fund of your choice (Hugh Lynn Cayce endowment, camp, library, or prison endowment, etc.) which will survive in perpetuity, generating income for that program for years to come. Sample Bequest Language

Residuary Bequest

A residuary bequest is made when you intend to leave the residual portion of your assets after other terms of the Will have been satisfied. Suggested residuary bequest language:

“All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, I give to the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. located at 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, for its general purposes.”

Percentage Bequest

A percentage bequest is a bequest of a percentage of your estate to the A.R.E. Percentage language can be as follows:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. located at 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, 50% (or such other percentage as you may wish) of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”

Add A.R.E. to Your Existing Will

If you have an existing Will but still desire to insert a gift to A.R.E. as part of it, you can make your intentions known through a codicil. This option takes less time and money than writing a new Will. Sample Codicil Language

A codicil requires execution and notarization to have legal effect; please consult with your attorney.


Already Have A.R.E. in Your Will*?

If so, please let us know, so we can properly thank you!  Just complete and return our Statement of Future Intent.

* As a primary beneficiary, not contingent.

For more information or to discuss your charitable goals, please contact us.

Please note, the information on this site is not intended to be legal or financial advice. If you decide to support the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., the Edgar Cayce Foundation, or Atlantic University through a planned gift, please consult your attorney or tax advisor. They are in the best position to assess your personal situation and provide guidance. A.R.E., the Edgar Cayce Foundation, and Atlantic University are all 501 (c) (3) tax exempt public charities.