Spiritual Growth Study Groups
The Study Group Experience
In 1931, Edgar Cayce began to give a series of readings that outlined individual steps toward true spiritual growth. A group of people working on understanding these concepts, practicing them, and writing about their experiences worked with Edgar Cayce to put these concepts into lessons and published them as A Search for God, Books I and II. (Study Group members receive these books for half price when contacting headquarters.) These groups, known as Study Groups, continue to meet today.
The frequency of meetings can vary – weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Most groups meet in private homes or public facilities and generally consist of 4-10 members. The length of the meeting is 1–2 hours. Groups follow the outline given to the original Study Group, provided by the Study Group program. With shared leadership, each member takes a turn at facilitating the discussion. We offer both in-person and online groups.
Please contact A.R.E. Headquarters for our zoom meeting options. This unique blend of committed listening and participation from each person, praying and meditating together, coupled with the encouragement to apply the experiences and knowledge in daily life has brought about astonishing changes for good in the lives of group members.
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A Search for God Study Group
Book 2: Mondays, 4–5 p.m.
Book 2: Mondays, 2:30–3:30 p.m
Book 2: Tuesdays, 12–1 p.m
Book 2: Fridays, 2:30–3:30 p.m.
Book 2: Fridays, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
Comparative Studies: Edgar Cayce’s A Search for God, the Bible and A Course in Miracles Study Group
Thursdays, 2–3 p.m.
Glad Helpers Healing Prayer Group
Tuesdays, 3–5 p.m.
Wednesdays, 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Egypt Readings Study Group
Tuesdays, 12–1:30 p.m.
 Lemuria/Atlantis Study Group
Alternating Thursdays, 12:30–1:30 p.m
Book of Revelation Study Group
Alternating Thursdays, 12:30–1:30 p.m
Four Foundational Steps to Soul Growth, an A.R.E. Conference presentation featuring Mark Thurston PhD
This lecture and workshop experience will explore a deeper meaning embedded in Edgar Cayce’s treatment of cooperation, self-knowledge, setting an ideal, and living with faith.
Personal Transformation, an A.R.E. Conference presentation
Judith Stevens shares the power of small group work—an intentional community of similarly committed people—where you will learn how to work on your spiritual growth safely, in a supportive and loving environment.

A Search for God
Books I & II Anniversary Edition
A Search for God: Books I & II Anniversary Edition
Discover a closer attunement to God. In 1931, Edgar Cayce agreed to help a group of people grow spiritually. Over eleven years, they applied and compiled 24 lessons that became A Search for God, Books I and II. Now on Sale!