Inmate “A Search for God” Study Groups
Inmate “A Search for God” Study Groups were first established in 1972. In the 1980s, there were groups in over 100 facilities led by outside A.R.E. members/sponsors. With the new stringent prison rules and requirements, we currently encourage inmates to request their facilities permission to form their own groups.
Whether we have received a request to begin an “A Search for God” study group or we seize an opportunity to grow one, we will send all of the resources each inmate will need to study individually or in an approved group setting.
For more information about the “A Search for God” Study Groups in general, visit our Study Group section
“I first became aware of A.R.E. and Edgar Cayce about four months ago through [the book] “Your Life, Why it is the way it is and what you can do about it-Understanding the Universal Laws.” By: Bruce McArthur. I reached out to you all and you provided me with “A Search for God” books 1 and 2 and “Experiments in a Search for God.” Thank you so much. This information has awakened me to the dead and ignorant ways I was moving through life. It has made a huge difference in my life and the lives of those I come into contact with. Relationships are being restored, the most important one with my God. You have a dedicated student in me who will share what I have learned. Once again, thank you so much. I look forward to what’s next.” (C.C.)