Walk the Labyrinth

Visit anytime to walk the labyrinth. This is an outside attraction and open to the public.
The 11-circuit stone labyrinth in front of the historic Hospital building—now the A.R.E. Health Center & Spa—is modeled after the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral in France. At 40 feet in diameter, it creates a safe area to simply walk and think, or to enter into a deep meditation.
While most people enter the labyrinth with a special intention in mind, others walk just for pleasure. The labyrinth can help you find spiritual guidance or a solution to a problem.
Edgar Cayce suggested beginning by formulating a question with a “yes” or “no” answer for the most useful results.
How to walk the labyrinth
Enter Gratefully.
Pause at the entrance with a prayer or to give thanks. State your issue or intention (this can be done mentally), take a few deep breaths, and begin the walk.
Walk Inward.
Move along the path at your own pace. Focus on your issue or intention for at least two or three turns. Examine your emotions. By the fourth turn, start releasing your thoughts and clearing your mind. When you stop thinking,
a solution can begin to occupy your mind.
If a solution comes to mind before
reaching the center, continue with the walk. If a solution has not materialized, pause in the center to see if something will come to you, maintaining a meditative state.
Walk Outward.
As you exit the center, examine how the solution offered might affect your life, health, or finances. Examine your feelings.
End gratefully.
When you reach the end, turn and give thanks. Do not be discouraged if a solution did not become evident. Be diligent with your thoughts during the next few days and a solution may appear.