From Creation to Revelation & The Archetype of the Apocalypse

We are all collectively living through that ancient “curse”—May you live in interesting times!
In this weekend retreat, Peter will weave the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, Carl Jung, Jesus, the Bible and The Book of Revelation with the purpose that is so aptly stated by Edward F Edinger in his book, The Archetype of the Apocalypse:
“In my opinion, as our world sinks more and more into possession by the [Archetype of the Apocalypse], nothing is more important than the existence of a certain number of individuals who understand what is going on…Sadly, the much-needed knowledge of this level of the psyche is not generally available.”
Peter will be weaving these various perspectives while also offering guidelines for how to best maximize the spiritual potentials of these “interesting times”
He will intersperse regression experiences to guide the conferees in having direct “revelations” while also creating space for breakout sessions, so conferees can share, learn and laugh with each other.
Peter is a Whitewater returnee who presented a memorable program the last time he was here.
This promises to be an enlightening but also creative and fun weekend!