Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Explore the Journey of Our Soul: Reincarnation & Karma (Tampa)

With John Van Auken and Mark Anthony

Date: 04/27/2024

Time: 9:15 AM - 4:30 PM


Unity of Tampa
2610 Silver Lake Ave
Tampa, FL 33614

Take an enlightening look into the concept of the soul lives.

Join John Van Auken and world renowned psychic explorer Mark Anthony to take a voyage through time exploring the history, mystery, and controversy behind reincarnation and near-death experiences. Dive into soul memories, twin souls, soul groups and karma. Presenting the latest scientific discoveries and his electromagnetic soul theory, Mark offers scientific proof for the existence of the soul, afterlife, reincarnation and near-death experiences which removes the fear and superstition surrounding this mysterious phenomena.

This event reveals that reincarnation is not just a Hindu and Buddhist concept but rooted in all major belief systems throughout the world. Register today for this captivating experience!

8:30 am - 9:30 am


9:15 am - 12:00 pm

Conference: Part A

John Van Auken
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Conference: Part B

  • Date : 04/27/2024
  • Time : 9:15 am - 4:30 pm (UTC-5)
  • Venue : Florida


A.R.E. Members: $99
Non-members: $109
Cancellation Fee of $25


Attend In Person

Date: 04/27/2024

Time: 9:15 AM - 4:30 PM


Unity of Tampa
2610 Silver Lake Ave
Tampa, FL 33614

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