Building a Path of Peace in 2024: How to Meet the Challenges of Our Times with the Edgar Cayce Readings

Welcome a New Year with inspiration and guidance from the Cayce readings brought to you by new A.R.E’s Speaker Training Course graduates.
How can I feel happier? How can I help create peace in the world? How do I handle this challenge in my life? What am I supposed to do?
Edgar Cayce was asked these types of questions all the time, and we still ask ourselves them every day. The answers that Edgar Cayce gave were highly individualized for each questioner, but there are themes and patterns to his answers that are astoundingly relevant and applicable to us all. Prepare for this new year by exploring how his answers apply to the challenges we all face today, and how students of the Edgar Cayce teachings are actively applying Cayce concepts, practices, and tools from the readings in their own lives.
Here’s what to expect:
All pre-recorded presentations and your virtual peace resource toolkit will be available on December 22nd. This includes:
- Pre-recorded presentations from graduates of the ARE’s new Speakers Training Program
- Pre-recorded panel discussion with longtime students and teachers of the Cayce material—and mentors of the Speaker Training program—Lynn Sparrow Christy, Lora Little, Sharon Fazel and Judith Stevens on practices of peace from the readings that guide them. Moderated by Corinne Cayce.
- A virtual resource toolkit of experiential exercises and materials to support you in deepening you own practices of peace. Including:
- New Year’s Eve guided meditation by Judith Stevens
- Guided self-compassion exercise by Corinne Cayce
- Pre-sleep suggestion recording, Getting a Good Night’s Sleep, by Charles Thomas Cayce
- Everett Irion’s 40-Day Forgiveness Prayer Extended Version
- And more!
A LIVE virtual panel discussion with new speaker training graduates will take place on December 29th from 3-4:30pm EST. Moderated by Corinne Cayce. This will be a chance to bring your questions to panelists after listening to their talks and connect and share peace-building practices for these times.