Northern California: Asilomar Spring Retreat

An A.R.E. Headquarters Affiliate Event:
Key Dates of Our Soul Journey
Cayce gave us a surprisingly detailed timeline for our soul journey, stating that it was actually carved in the interior stones of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. He also added to the pyramid’s timeline in several supplemental readings. John will take us through our soul
journey, from the beginning to our upcoming conclusion.
Prophecies Converging in Our Times
Surprisingly, ancient and modern prophecies, including Cayce’s, converge in our times. John will share all the prophecies and reveal their timing related to our lifetimes and beyond. This includes biblical, Egyptian, Mayan/Aztec, Nostradamus and other seers, and Cayce.
Cayce as a Prototype for Our Soul Growth
The Cayce teachings state over and over that WE will eventually be like Cayce, having a broader vision of reality and the many dimensions of life–and we will have it consciously. John takes us on a training course that leads us to higher consciousness, higher vibrations, and more soulfully conscious life, using Cayce as a prototype, an example.
Maps of Our Minds
In several of Edgar Cayce’s readings of the Universal Consciousness, he gave detailed maps of the levels of our minds as individuals and as collective people–the microcosm and the macrocosm of consciousness. These maps help us make a journey through the levels and unite them within us.
The Kingdom is Within Us
If we are physical beings with organic brains, organs, bones, and cells, where inside us is the door to this Kingdom of God that Jesus told us to look for? How can our body be a device for physical life and, at the same time, be a device for metaphysical life? Using the ancient Yoga Sutra, Cayce, and Jesus, John will show us how this seemingly impossible journey can become ours.
Shirley Jackson, A.R.E. Registrar, at or call 831.768.7779
Marianne Splenda, Program Coordinator, at or call 510.528.4407