A Day in the Company of Angels

“We humans are surrounded by a community of heavenly beings who illumine, inspire, build and elevate us in our spiritual journey. Through them, the warmth of God’s love and the clarity of His light encompass and lift us up into the inner life of God” writes Stephen Chase, author of Angelic Spirituality.
All the world’s religions contain some reference to celestial beings whom we call angels. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, angels transcend every religion, philosophy, and creed. These beings of living light encircle us, guide us, inspire us, and assist us on our spiritual journey.
We will spend this day in the company of the angels learning about:
- Ancient angels & the origins of the beliefs in angels
- The multicultural nature of angels in the world’s religious traditions
- Journey through the 9 choirs of angels
- Meeting our guardian angel and discovering the role that angels play in our lives