Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Cycles of Change: Edgar Cayce on the Age of Aquarius

An A.R.E. Headquarters Affiliate Event: Throughout eons of time, almost every ancient civilization and world religion has developed stories, depictions, or prophecies regarding profound environmental, social, economic, mental, and spiritual changes on the horizon. Is...

Soul Mates or Cell Mates?

LIVE WEBINAR Discover the differences between soul mates and twin souls and why the term “cell mate” might better describe your karmic relationships. Most believe soul mates are your romantic partners. But what if these profound spiritual connections...

Souls in Transit

Investigate the mysteries of reincarnation—the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Hear accounts from people who have experienced past-life memories, near-death experiences, and deep spiritual awakenings. Learn about the latest scientific and metaphysical research on...

Temple Beautiful Recreated

Journey back in time with us to nearly 13,000 years ago and explore the fascinating tale of Edgar Cayce’s incarnation as Ra Ta in ancient Egypt. The Edgar Cayce Readings weave an elaborate tale of the High-Priest Ra Ta, a former incarnation of Cayce, who brought the...

Creating Your Sanctuary

LIVE WEBINAR Transform your home into a peaceful retreat that cultivates positive energy, balance, and tranquility in your living space. Through expert guidance, you’ll discover tips on mindful design, space clearing, and the power of intention to create a...