Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Hypno-Healing: Transform Your Life Through Regression Hypnosis

ON DEMAND WEBINAR Today’s world is filled with so many distractions that it is becoming more difficult to rid ourselves of anxiety, pain, and relationship struggles. Regression Hypnosis can get to the source of an issue and transform your current life. You can also...

Creating a Life of Joy and Peace

In a world of division, change, and uncertainty, it is paramount for us to prioritize our own body, mind, spirit balance and health in order for each of us to be lights to a world in need. We invite you to this day of holistic renewal, revitalization, and community....

From Creation to Revelation & The Archetype of the Apocalypse

We are all collectively living through that ancient “curse”—May you live in interesting times! In this weekend retreat, Peter will weave the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, Carl Jung, Jesus, the Bible and The Book of Revelation with the purpose that is so aptly...

A Day in the Company of Angels

“We humans are surrounded by a community of heavenly beings who illumine, inspire, build and elevate us in our spiritual journey. Through them, the warmth of God’s love and the clarity of His light encompass and lift us up into the inner life of God” writes Stephen...