Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Wendy Rains

Wendy Rains

Wendy Rains is a longtime student of the Cayce readings, a former staff member of A.R.E. and Atlantic University, and for many years a colleague of Mary Elizabeth and Mark with the Personal Transformation and Courage Institute. Her interest in dreams brought Wendy to the Cayce readings. Around her childhood breakfast table each morning, she and her mother studied and worked with Elsie Sechrist’s book, Dreams: Your Magic Mirror. Currently, Wendy holds an administrative position at Washington and Lee University in the undergraduate library and leads weekly meditation groups and monthly dream groups. Continuing her interest in dream study, she is pursuing a certification in the FiveStar Method through the DreamStar Institute, founded by Dr. Scott Sparrow, faculty member of Atlantic University and Professor in the Counseling Department at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley.

All Sessions by Wendy Rains

2:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Aligning the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

12:15 am - 1:30 am

Dreams, Transformation, and the Heart of Healing

Optional dream study group.

12:15 am - 1:30 am

Dreams, Transformation, and the Heart of Healing

Optional dream study group.

12:15 am - 1:30 am

Dreams, Transformation, and the Heart of Healing

Optional dream study group.

12:15 am - 1:30 am

Dreams, Transformation, and the Heart of Healing

Optional dream study group.