Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Lynn Sparrow Christy

Lynn Sparrow Christy

Lynn Sparrow Christy is a mentor, author, and presenter who has been working in the field of spiritual growth and personal healing for her entire adult life. This work has been shaped by a deep connection to spirituality during childhood that led her through traditional Christian faith to the barrier-shattering work of Edgar Cayce and on to the leading edge thinking that characterizes the contemporary integral/evolutionary movement. Along the way, she has developed an eclectic career as a writer, conference speaker, hypnotherapist life coach, minister, and trainer. She is trained as a master hypnotherapist, hypnosis trainer, life coach and master N.L.P. practitioner. She has also done extensive personal study, training, and practice with energetic modalities such as qigong and energy medicine and often shares these practices with her clients. Her books, "Beyond Soul Growth: Awakening to the Call of Cosmic Evolution," "Reincarnation: Claiming Your Past," "Creating Your Future," and "Edgar Cayce and Christian Faith," as well as her home-study courses, "Meditation Made Easy" and "How to Discover Your Past Lives," have all explored leading topics in contemporary spirituality.

All Sessions by Lynn Sparrow Christy

10:30 pm - 12:30 am

Reincarnation and Your Evolving Soul Body