Disease Overview
Overview of Angina Pectoris
I. Physiological Considerations
The immediate, apparent physiological cause of the condition we know of as angina pectoris is in nearly all cases an imbalance between the central or deep circulation and the superficial circulation. The latter is the supply of blood to the extremities and the superficial portions of the body, while the central or deep circulation is that which is supplied to the internal organs. In the case of angina the blood supply to the liver, to the lungs, and to the heart are closely related.
The control and the balance achieved between these two circulations are located in the sympathetic ganglia in the upper dorsal region. The control of the blood flow through the liver, the lungs, and the heart lies in a nerve plexus in the aorta. This certainly is also under a higher control from the sympathetic ganglia.
It can be seen that anything which would disturb the balance which is normally achieved between the cerebrospinal and the autonomic nervous systems would in turn cause a disturbance of the circulation if this imbalance had occurred in the upper dorsal area. The disturbance in the case of angina would cause an excess of blood flow to the heart, liver, and lungs particularly with a cessation or a diminished blood flow to the extremities of the body, thus often causing the feet to be cool or cold.
Accumulations or end products of metabolism throughout the circulatory system can create problems in cells throughout the body which in turn cause a lowering of function of what these cells may contribute toward control over the circulation. Undoubtedly other factors must be present, many of which are not known. The cycle of events which lead up to severe angina pectoris associated with congestive failure sometimes is quite extensive.
In case [1071] we see an overactivity mentally and physically causing a disturbed mental association which in turn led to a nervous breakdown. This caused congestions in the eliminative system, particularly engorgement in the transverse and descending colon. This engorgement produced pressures on the heart activity itself. Then these conditions produced assimilative dysfunction with gastric fermentation and an improper flow from the lacteals, the acids of the stomach wall, and the pyloric region apparently involving the pancreas. This disturbance in assimilation then created a kidney malfunction and more specific trouble in the liver. The decrease in liver function then produced an increase in the heart, lung, and liver circulation and an overburdening of these with an increased now to the brain which produced a numbness of the brain and the lack of proper impulses stemming from the brain tissue. This in turn created more poisons through improper metabolism throughout the system, damaging cells, blood vessels, and lacteals throughout the body so that they in turn could not produce the activities needed to increase the blood flow to the extremities and away from the heart. Apparently these cells throughout the body have an influence on the sympathetic ganglia that basically control or balance the deep and the superficial circulation.
Occasionally a lesion in the brachial area of the spine will cause pressure which produces a weakness to the upper extremities, to the head and the stomach, that results from a cessation of deep blood flow after exercise. In this particular case the blood flow would be away from the heart and to the extremities. In case [5076] there were purpuric areas throughout the body which apparently came about due to the engorgement of the peripheral circulation.
Thus the physiology of angina involves the assimilative and eliminative systems, the circulatory system in maintaining a balance, the nervous systems in their balance between the cerebrospinal and the autonomic and various control centers in the sympathetic nervous system itself. It also involves a close relationship between the liver, lungs, and heart and attributes great importance to the cells of the body itself in maintaining a balance.
II. Rationale of Therapy
The attempt to correct angina pectoris would require first a determination whether the deep circulation was engorged or deficient in the imbalance which undoubtedly exists. Attention must be paid to the intestinal tract, to determine that the toxins – the end products of metabolism – are removed and the elimination is good. A balance should be achieved between the nervous systems, and subluxations of vertebrae should be corrected if present. Assimilation should improve as eliminations are corrected. However, other means might be required if the assimilations are not proper.
It would always be advisable physiologically to bring about the changes in the balance gradually and gently. If these variations from normal are gradually corrected, then the angina will disappear.
III. Suggested Therapeutic Regimen
In all cases a cleansing of the colon – “the poisons must be taken away” – should be accomplished. A high colonic once a month perhaps could be taken as the standard with deviations according to what appears to be needed clinically. Eliminations should normally come daily for the patient.
Diet should be a normal one. Whole grain bread should be taken. Basically, white sugar and white flour should not be used. No concentrated vitamins should be added.
Medication: Atomidine was suggested to assist in balancing the circulations and this could be used one drop in a half glass of water daily for five days, leave off for five days and repeat this course three to five times as indicated. After a period of time without the Atomidine, another course of treatment could be instituted. Local therapy for the extremities was recommended – in case [1071] massage of the feet, knees, and entire lower extremities was advised twice a day to increase the circulation in the extremities. The combination used was as follows:
Olive oil
Compound tincture of benzoin, equal parts sufficient to make two ounces
Add oil of mustard, 5 drops
The wet cell appliance was suggested for a patient who was in extremis. It was not obtained for two weeks, and the patient died before it could be used.
Osteopathic therapy to the brachial area or deep massage was recommended where subluxation had occurred; and for this particular individual it was suggested once a week for 30 weeks or twice a week for 10 weeks in order to restore the subluxation to normal. Short-wave diathermy was suggested prior to the adjustment.
Note: The preceding overview was written by William A. McGarey, M.D. and is excerpted from the Physician’s Reference Notebook, Copyright © 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.
Note: As this information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment, your use of this database of information indicates that you are aware of our recommendation that you consult with a professional healthcare provider before taking any action.