Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Cayce Institute for Culinary Health

Whole foods healing for the whole health of you!

We’re on a mission to help you live a great life! The Cayce Institute of Culinary Health (CICH) promotes whole-person and community wellness through holistic whole-food health education, care, and empowerment. CICH uses a relationship-centered approach integrating healing traditions and the interconnection of mind, body, and spirit while acknowledging the wisdom of nature as a teacher of whole-food healing and whole-person health.


  • Plant-based cooking thats easy to prepare and tastes delicious
  • Recipes using whole foods
  • Sound nutrition information through whole foods cooking
  • Exploration of our relationships with food and how it effects our mental health 
  • Support with holistic tools to promote health
  • Empowerment of our community to improve their health and well-being holistically

Upcoming Events

Your Herbal Medicine Chest

Your Herbal Medicine Chest

Dive into the World of Herbal Medicine! Adventure into the fascinating realm of herbal medicine! Imagine crafting your own tonics, elixirs, ...

9:00 AM

5:00 PM

August 17, 2024