Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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A.R.E. Visitor Center

Welcome to the world headquarters of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.

We offer free daily activities, including a group tour and afternoon lecture. Just ask the friendly folks at the front desk for information. And if you sign up to receive updates and special offers at our lobby desk, you’ll also receive a free gift.

The A.R.E. Visitor Center—which you are standing in now—was built in 1975, and each year is host to dozens of conferences with renowned speakers who address such topics as psychic development, meditation, personal spiritual growth, reincarnation, finding your soul’s purpose, ancient mysteries, and so much more. Grab a conference schedule while you’re here!

This building is also home to one of the largest metaphysical libraries in the world, a first-class Bookstore & Gift Shop, and a third-floor meditation room that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. We hope you’ll visit them all.

Behind this Visitor Center is a meditation garden with a waterfall and koi pond. And just up the hill on our campus, you’ll find our A.R.E. Health Center & Spa offering massages and holistic services daily; plus the Cayce/Reilly School of Massage—an accredited holistic massage school; and Atlantic University, which is a graduate-level online university focusing on transpersonal studies.

Inside the original Cayce Hospital building, you’ll find Graze Kitchen & Catering, where you can grab a healthy lunch or refreshment; and in front of that historic building you can take a walk around our stone labyrinth.

We hope you enjoy your visit to Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. We’re so glad you’re here!

A.R.E. Visitor Center, 2nd Floor

The first thing you may notice on the second floor of our Visitor Center building is the beautiful and unique painting by artist Ingo Swann. Swann was a great admirer of Edgar Cayce’s who was fascinated by his readings given on what are called “aura charts,” in which Cayce used personal symbolism to describe other incarnations that were relevant to a person’s present life.

The images depicted in this painting represent the soul’s journey of Edgar Cayce when read from bottom to top, showing incarnations that held the greatest influence on his life. You can read more about the images on our wall display next to the painting.

To the left, you’ll see a painting of a young Edgar Cayce and his wife, Gertrude, who was forever at his side during his readings. The painting includes a bible, which played an important role in Edgar’s spiritual life and was something he read from cover to cover once for every year of his life. To either side of their portrait are their aura charts.

Also here on the second floor is the A.R.E.’s Library—a living memorial to the life and work of Edgar Cayce, whose more than 14,000 psychic readings form the core of its collections. In addition to the Cayce readings, the Library houses the original Cayce couch on which his readings were conducted, more than 75,000 volumes in the field of metaphysics, and acquired private collections on like-minded topics, including the Egerton Sykes collection, which is one of the largest collections in the world on the topic of Atlantis. Please spend some time exploring our library.

A.R.E. Library

A.R.E.’s original library started as a reading room in the Cayce family home, eventually moving to this building after its construction in 1975.

Today, our library boasts a collection of more than 75,000 metaphysical volumes, an archive of Edgar Cayce’s 14,306 psychic discourses and the original Cayce couch on which his readings were conducted. 

The Edgar Cayce readings database consists of 24 million words. In addition to the copy of the readings in the library, the entire collection is available online for A.R.E. members OR for purchase online or in the Bookstore on DVD-Rom. The readings have been categorized into 10,000 topics, which can be accessed via our card catalog or by members in a searchable database online. Major topics from the readings have also been collected by topic into circulating files that are available to borrow or purchase or download from our online member-only section. 

Over the years, we have also acquired private book collections for our library. The Andrew Jackson Davis collection highlights this man’s amazing similarities to Edgar Cayce. A 19th century psychic known as the Poughkeepsie Seer, Davis wrote 33 different books, which are all included in this collection along with other personal items and correspondence.

The Egerton Sykes Atlantis collection includes over 6,000 books, magazines, pamphlets, photos, slides, tapes, personal letters, unpublished manuscripts, and newspaper clippings, including volumes in 15 languages on a dazzling variety of subjects—particularly anything having to do with the lost civilization of Atlantis—an ancient civilization covered at length in the Cayce readings.

Books may be checked-out if you are a Member of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., a student of Atlantic University or Cayce/Reilly® School of Massage, or if you are a Hampton Roads resident A.R.E. Library member. The library is open for browsing during Visitor Center hours. 

Edgar Cayce’s Original Couch

In the A.R.E. Library is the original couch used by Edgar Cayce when he gave readings. The couch has been re-covered, but underneath is the original tag indicating it was from the 1909 Sears and Roebuck Catalog. 

  • Cayce would normally give two readings per day, one in mid-morning and another mid-afternoon. In the early 1940s, as requests for help flooded in, Mr. Cayce went against the advice of the readings and allowed himself to give more than twice as many readings as was recommended. 
  • When giving a reading, he would remove his suit coat and shoes, loosen his tie, and pray. 
  • He would then lie down on the couch and place his hands over his forehead and enter into a meditative state. He waited until he saw a white light, which was his signal to proceed. If he did not see the white light, no information came from him that day.
  • Once Cayce saw the white light, he placed his hands over his solar plexus, and entered into an altered state. His breathing changed and this state of relaxation and meditation enabled him to place his mind in contact with all time and space.
  • Gladys Davis, his secretary and stenographer of the readings, sat nearby with her steno pad and prepared to write down everything that was said.
  • The conductor, most often his wife Gertrude, would watch for his eyes to flutter at which point a specific suggestion requesting the desired information would be read. If this was not done at the proper time, Cayce would fall into a deep sleep that could last for several hours!
  • Cayce spoke in his own voice and referred to the person as if the individual were in the same room, even though Cayce was usually in Virginia Beach and the patient could be a thousand or more miles away.
  • If you would like to hear Edgar’s voice giving an actual reading, ask at the Lobby Desk or visit our YouTube Channel at YouTube.com/edgarcayceTV.

Meditation Room, 3rd Floor

Edgar Cayce recommended meditation for everyone as a key to awakening individuals to their higher or soul self. Meditation is such an important Cayce concept that we have an entire floor dedicated to it. Our Meditation Room is available for use at any time that the Visitor Center building is open and we invite you to join us each weekday for a noon-time meditation. You may also wish to visit on Wednesdays, when our Glad Helpers Healing Prayer group occupies this space from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. And on Sundays, we offer a guided meditation at 12:30 p.m.

The room’s stained glass windows were donated by Fredrica Fields, who received a reading from Cayce as a wedding gift that she did not open for 45 years. Fields found her reading at the age of 67, and was quite impressed with Cayce’s prediction that she would become involved in stained prisms and glass. By that time in her life, Fredrica had become a famous stained-glass artist with windows in the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., throughout the U.S., and as far away as Saudi Arabia and India.

The large gemstones in this room were donated by James Tyberron, a professional geologist, and a speaker and author of metaphysical subject matter.

As you will notice from the diverse artwork, we are non-secular and embrace all religions of the world. The Cayce readings stated there is some truth in all religions and that the best one is the one you will practice.

A Search for God Plaque

In 1931, a group of Edgar Cayce’s friends and family asked him how they could become psychic like him; many wanted to become healers. Out of this seemingly simple question came an 11-year discourse that led to the creation of A Search for God Books 1 and 2.

What helped Cayce following the loss of the hospital building was this new focus on giving readings for these individuals who were outlining a series of lessons on spiritual growth. From his altered state, Cayce said that psychic abilities were “of the soul” and that the goal to become psychic could be reached only by growing spiritually—each individual needed to become a more spiritual and loving person. That growth would naturally lead to psychic awareness and healing abilities.

This group was the first “Study Group” that used the material from these special readings in order to change their lives for the better. When Book 1 was published in 1942, Study Groups began gathering together to study and learn this valuable material. Today, Study Groups that include individuals from all walks of life and every religious background, meet around the world to study the material found in these special readings.

This beautiful copper plaque contains the affirmations preceding each chapter from these books. These affirmations are ideal for meditation. If you would like to find a group near you, visit EdgarCayce.org/StudyGroup.

Meditation Garden

Our Meditation Garden was renamed the Harris Prayer and Meditation Garden after being renovated, expanded, and beautified, thanks to a generous donation by A.R.E. member Dr. Samuel D. Harris.

A wooden stairway leads to the peaceful garden, which has a waterfall, a footbridge, stone walkways, relaxing benches, and a lighting system along a koi pond. It is truly a mystical place filled with peace.

The motivation behind Dr. Harris’s gift was his respect and admiration for Edgar Cayce, whom he first learned about in the 1960s through the Cayce biography, There Is a River.

Harris says that his contributions to the meditation garden are a way for him to show his appreciation for Cayce, his work, and his legacy: “I just want people to enjoy [this place] as much as I do.”

Shanti the Dolphin

A.R.E.’s dolphin is part of Virginia Beach’s “A Dolphin’s Promise Campaign,” which began in 2005 to raise funds for cancer research and rescue and rehabilitation efforts for marine mammals.

Redesigned in 2012 by local artist Liana Graham, our dolphin includes symbols of what A.R.E. stands for with the words Body, Mind, and Spirit; a sunset-colored image of our stone labyrinth; and a peace dove. 

Our dolphin is called Shanti [pronounced Shawn-tee], in honor of a T.S. Eliot poem in which he translated the ancient Sanskrit word to mean, “The Peace which passeth understanding.”

Stone Labyrinth

Our stone labyrinth – built in commemoration of A.R.E.’s 75th anniversary in 2006, and located in front of the historic Cayce Hospital building – is an 11-circuit labyrinth, 40 feet in diameter, modeled after the labyrinth at the Chartres Cathedral in France with the center element replaced by dolphins in a yin-yang formation.

Each element of the labyrinth has meaning:

Dolphins are connected with the power of breath and with emotional release.

The compass points highlight cardinal directions and hold to the following guideline:

  • North = wisdom and thought
  • East = salvation and spirit
  • South = beginnings and purity, and
  • West = conclusions and fullness

The Chinese Yin Yang symbol represents perfect balance.

Water is an extremely powerful element that has the potential to heal on many levels, particularly spiritually and emotionally.

The spiral motion of the labyrinth walk, with its right and left turns, relaxes our mind and causes our autonomic nervous system and the left and right hemispheres of the brain, to integrate and bring greater balance into our physical body and our entire being.

Try asking a question before walking the labyrinth, and you may find an answer within yourself when you reach its center.

Historic Cayce Hospital Building

Originally named “The Cayce Hospital for Research and Enlightenment,” this historic landmark was built in 1928 as a result of Cayce’s dream to help others with the holistic health information that was brought forth in his psychic readings. Cayce gave psychic readings for patients while a highly trained staff of physicians, physical therapists, nutritionists, body-workers, and other health care professionals carried out the treatment. The hospital opened in 1929 with 30 beds but was eventually lost during the Great Depression. The building was repurchased by A.R.E. in 1956 and renovated in 2014.

Today this building is home to the A.R.E. Health Center & Spa, offering many of the holistic services originally available through the hospital with therapies such as chiropractic adjustments, massage, castor oil packs, hydrotherapy, and much more, with many upper level rooms offering an ocean view.

The Cayce/Miller Café (featuring Graze Kitchen), the Gladys Davis Turner porch, and the Copeland Dining Room exist in this building as a place for students, visitors, members, and staff to gather and enjoy lively conversation over healthy food with a spectacular ocean view.

Learn more about the History of the Cayce Hospital

Gladys Davis Turner Porch

Spa and Cafe visitors can enjoy ocean-view dining or relaxing on the outer porch of the historic hospital building. The porch is dedicated to Gladys Davis Turner, who served as Edgar Cayce’s secretary from 1923 until his death in 1945, during which time she used her expert stenography skills to record the psychic readings as they were given. She would later type, compile, and categorize all of the readings and their supporting documents.

In addition to serving on A.R.E.’s staff and board, Gladys has long been recognized as the central guardian and historian of the Cayce legacy. Many credit Gladys with preserving the readings after Mr. Cayce’s death, and she remained an integral part of the Cayce work serving as Corporate Secretary until her death in 1986.

The porch is also dedicated to the central role that women – exemplified by Gladys Davis – have played in creating and perpetuating the A.R.E. and the Cayce Work, and you can read more about these women on the porch’s wall displays.

Stairway to Heaven

Our Stairway to Heaven is a decorative walkway that connects the historic Cayce Hospital building and the Don and Nancy de Laski Education Center. This walkway was created to honor and recognize all of the generous donors who have supported our building projects with a donation of $500 or more as part of our CREATE Campaign, which reached a successful conclusion at the end of 2015.

To donate to A.R.E., please visit our Development Office staff inside the Visitor Center or go to EdgarCayce.org/donate.

Don and Nancy De Laski Education Center

The Don and Nancy de Laski Education Center is our state-of-the-art 11,000-square-foot facility, which opened its doors in 2012. This elegant building houses:

  • The Edgar Cayce Foundation vault
  • Cayce/Reilly School of Massage, and
  • Atlantic University.

The Edgar Cayce Foundation is located on the ground floor within our fireproof vault protecting the Cayce readings, correspondence, and other precious items that are a part of Edgar Cayce’s history as well as those individuals who had readings.

The Cayce/Reilly® School of Massage is located on the first floor and is home to the staff, faculty, and students of our holistic massage school, providing a quality, comprehensive education in both the art and science of therapeutic massage. The Massage School is COMTA-accredited and in its 30-year history has graduated students from dozens of countries around the world.

Atlantic University occupies the top floor of the education building. Founded a year before A.R.E. in 1930, AU is a private, non-profit, and online nationally accredited institution of higher learning offering a Master of Arts in Transpersonal Studies, a Graduate Certificate in Integrated Imagery, a Certificate in Spiritual Guidance Mentor Training, and continuing education courses.

connect with your community

As a mind, body, spirit resource, the Edgar Cayce A.R.E. offers many ways for you to connect to your community, fulfilling your soul and helping others to do so as well. When you join in your community, your desire to be of service increases the overall energy of shared love and healing for everyone.