Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Dove with Olive Branch

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Edgar Cayce on the Mysterious World of Sleep

LIVE WEBINAR What really occurs in your mind while you sleep? In this webinar, we will explore insights from Edgar Cayce’s readings and other sources about a realm far beyond dreaming. During sleep, your subconscious mind enters profound states that allow for...

FREE Inner Light Community Satsang

Inner peace and wisdom await you. Join us for a community Satsang, an opportunity for spiritual awakening and healing of the light within. Satsang, which means “gathering in truth,” brings people together in a relaxed environment where we explore ancient...

Reiki I & II Certificate Training

What is Reiki?  The word “Reiki” comes from the Japanese words “Rei,” meaning “universal,” and “Ki,” meaning “life force energy.” Reiki is an ancient technique that brings relaxation and promotes healing. It...

Reiki I & II Certificate Training

What is Reiki?  The word “Reiki” comes from the Japanese words “Rei,” meaning “universal,” and “Ki,” meaning “life force energy.” Reiki is an ancient technique that brings relaxation and promotes healing. It...

Reiki III Certificate Training

Reiki III certification training provides students with the practical skills used by Reiki Masters. It is designed for those who want the knowledge and experience of a reiki master practitioner, but do not wish to teach reiki to others. This 2-day, intensive, hands-on...